Muscle growth with amino acids

f:id:gc180xt:20180313065244j:plainFind out what is the role of amino acids and why they are so important for increasing muscle mass and strength. Muscle growth with amino acids is possible because amino acids are precursors for proteins.

Amino acids are the bricks from which the proteins are built, as well as the muscles. They also plays an important physiological role in processes related to energy, recovery, metal in the body states, muscle mass and strength accumulation, and fat burning.

Amino acids in diet

There are 23 amino acids, and 9 of these are classified as essential amino acids (EA), which should be obtained through diet.

The others are referred to as non-essential amino acids (NA), because they can be synthesized in the body from other amino acids.

When we eat, we do not take into account the proportions and profiles of various amino acids, but the content of the food consumed determines the value of protein in food or protein supplements in terms of their ability to build and maintain healthy bodies.

Also, the amino acid content of the food is also important for increasing the muscle mass, but we also have to take into account another factor, namely how much of the ingested amino acids reach the muscle tissue, where the amino acids are needed.

If not enough amino acids, we'll face problems with digestion, absorption and bioavailability.

What is bioavailability?

Eating protein sources such as lean meat or low-fat dairy products, or drinking a protein drink are the most intricate ways we take our amino acids. We can also get amino acids from vegetables that contain more of the amino acid spectrum. We can also use protein powders or amino acid pills to supplement our diet.

The reason we use these supplements is the bioavailability of amino acids.

Bioavailability is a measure of the absorption efficiency and how much of the ingested foods is used.

There are certain factors that determine the bioavailability of amino acids. One is how much fat is contained by the source of proteins and the time it takes for the amino acids to be ready to be used by the body.

Amino acids and bodybuilding.

Exercises, hormones and nutrients all trigger muscle mass growth. Also the branched chain amino acid (BCAA) supplementation. BCAA contains leucine, isoleucine and valine.

The best moment to take amino acids is immediately after workout, when the muscles are more receptive to nutrients and the blood flow is increased to the working muscles.

The best solution to optimize recovery after a workout is by a post-workout meal composed of protein with carbohydrates, both complex and simple. It's the perfect time to consume a fast-absorbing protein like whey protein.

Amino acid supplements.

The popularity of amino acid supplements has increased a lot.

Beverages that are used during training or after training, containing hydrolysed (pre-digested) proteins and often free amino acids, are for sale in most fitness rooms.

Also, amino-acid powders or pills are often used by those who train with heavy weight. 

The good part of these supplements is that they do not require the same level of digestion as food. Amino acids in free form means they have no chemical bond with other molecules and thus quickly pass through the stomach into the small intestine where they are rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream.

When absorbed, the amino acids are processed by the liver. The liver can process a so-called amount of amino acids at once. Thus, if you take a dose of 3-4 grams, they will be quickly processed and the surplus, which can not be metabolized by the liver, will be directed to the tissues, especially muscle tissues requiring repair after training.

Muscle growth with amino acids.

Weight training promotes both protein synthesis and protein decomposition in the work of muscle fibers.

Muscle hypertrophy (increase) occurs when protein synthesis increases. The normal hormonal environment (insulin and growth hormone levels) immediately after training stimulates anabolic processes while stopping protein decomposition.

Dietary changes that increase amino acid transport to muscle increase the available energy and create an anabolic environment that promotes the development of muscle tissue and stops its degeneration (catabolism). Thus, through these processes, amino acids increase muscle mass and strength.

So do not underestimate the power of amino acids. As usual, the main source should be nutrition, but any serious bodybuilder will supplement with quality amino acids.

Amino acids and energy.

There is a lot of confusion when it comes to muscle contractions and energy use during heavy-duty, high intensity training. During such training, much of the energy needed comes from non-carbohydrate sources.

When muscles contract, they use the energy of adenosine triphosphate (ATP, a substance that supports the vital energy processes of any living cells) for the first few seconds.

The substance used to immediately restore exhausted exertion reserves is creatine phosphate. That's why creatine supplements have become so popular among bodybuilders.

Creatine is made up of three amino acids, namely arginine, methionine and glycine.

To maintain high levels of creatine phosphate and ATP, these three amino acids have to be found in large amounts in the blood. Their levels can be kept high by eating, but it would take a long time before they would digest, and in addition will be accompanied by fat and carbohydrates that may not be desirable.

Therefore, the use of supplements with amino acids in free form, whether or not creatine, provides a direct source of energy for power and strength.

Amino acids and weight loss

When it comes to slimming, two processes need to be done:

  • mobilizing and putting into circulation fat stores
  • fat transport and converting it into energy at the mitochondria level

Certain nutrients can assist in the conversion of fat into energy, including methionine amino acid, which in sufficient quantities can improve the transport and metabolism of fats.

When we want to keep calories at a low level, during weight loss diets for example, amino acid supplements, including BCAA or Glutamine, provide the necessary nutrients for the muscles, the liver and the immune system, and important elements in defining the composition body, while helping you to keep your dietary habits necessary for weight loss diets.

Conclusion on muscle growth with amino acids

Muscle growth with amino acids is no myth. Amino acids are chemical compounds which increase muscle mass by triggering the anabolic effects because of protein synthesis in the muscles while increasing the energy and strength. Find more info about Crazy Bulk, one of the best legal steroids on the market: