OxyHives Review - Best Cure for Hives?

Hello and welcome to a review of Oxyhives. Oxyhives is a spray, you can take a look at it on its official website. This spray is to be used to reduce symptoms caused by hives or urticaria.

This is a skin reaction, an allergic reaction that causes inflammation, red skin, stinging and burning pain, itching, etc. It can last from a day to several months, it can be normal, acute or chronic depending on the symptoms and how long it lasts but it's not dangerous to health unless it's a rare case where it appears in the throat and it can block the airway through which you breathe, due to the inflammation or swelling. It can appear anywhere on the body from the face to the arms, the back, the tongue, etc.

Oxyhives contains apis mellifica 200c, arnica montana 6x, hepar suis 6x, ichthyolum 6x, lachesis 30c, mercurius solubilis 200c, rhus tox. 200c, urtica urens 200c, alcohol 20% as well as purified water and it is distributed by Global Naturals inc in United Kingdoms. I am sure not everyone will be familiar with these ingredients, maybe because they are commonly used in homeopathy, not so much if at all in medicine. Apis mellifica is the body of a honey bee that is taken and crushed into very tiny pieces, then it is mixed with alcohol and then it is diluted. Most ingredients if not all ingredients used in homeopathy are diluted and they can be diluted thousands of times until the potency drops dramatically. In homeopathy it's believed that the more diluted it is, the more effective it is.

Homeopathy is very controversial to say the least, it's been contradicted by science and medicine multiple times, it isn't supported by science or clinical research really and many people, especially scientists, medics, look at homeopathy treatments and tinctures as nothing more than placebo.

This has actually been shown in studies, such as for arnica montana which has been studied, tested and shown to be unreliable and to have a chance effect that is no more than a placebo effect. At its worst homeopathy has been called a quackery which is a term that refers to something being fraudulennt, ignorant of medical practices.

This isn't because scientists or medica have a probem with homeopathy, it's just that it has been tested, as I've said before, and studied to see if it is in fact worthwhile and effective and it just didn't succeed in showing that it can be reliable and better than a placebo.

I mysef don't suffer from any type of allergy, however I do have friends that suffer from allergies and it can be not just stressful or uncomfortable but also painful. What I will be touching on a bit for today is hives or urticaria, different name but the same thing. Also on Oxyhives, a product that might, that claims to help with urticaria symptoms.

Urticaria is a skin allergic reaction where you experience inflammation, burning, itching and stinging pain and it can appear anywhere on the body, even in the throat, it can appear different in size and it can last for a day or even multiple months.

You may have normal urticaria, acute urticaria or chronic urticaria, to find out more about this or to find out what you have you should consult with a medic.

Depending on what you have the medic may recommend something different but generally antihistamine are used, things like Benadryl.

Antihistamine are made for this, because histamine are released in an immune response to help with an infection or a skin allergy, they are produced and released by your body but despite the purpose being a good one, they can end up causing symptoms of stinging, itching and more.

Sometimes your body may overreact and it may result in some side-effects which in the end are for your benefit but while your body is trying to help you, it may not feel that great. Antihistamine can actually block portions of histamine and inhibit their effects so that the symptoms aren't as bad, and they are very efficient. The newer ones are safer as well, in the past they used to cause various side-effects.

Oxyhives however, you just don't know what you're going to get and that's a problem. I'm going to be frank here, it has no clinical or scientific support.

It's a homeopathic product made of homeopathic ingredients, with diluted tinctures like apis mellifica that are also not supported by science and in general are viewed as placebo. You may opt to use it if you like and you may order it from Oxyhives.org or just read more about it, however there's no credibility, no guarantee of efficiency.